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To The Girl Who Loves Too Hard

I'm sorry.

You had to learn from an early age what a broken heart feels like and what that exactly meant.

And because you love just a little harder than everyone else, you felt the world stop spinning when you got your heart broken.

You have so much love to give and you dive into relationships heart first.
You are entirely committed from the start and are fiercely loyal.
You give up so much, just to see the other person smile.

But the secret is, you don't love too hard.

You expect the same love that you give.

And maybe the world is just too sad of a place to give out that kind of love, and you're just a blessing that somehow slipped through the cracks of heaven.

You go through life giving so much, you quickly burn yourself out when you don't receive any of it back.

And then you wonder if maybe you're just too hard to love.

You wonder if you aren't meant to be with anyone.
You wonder if no one out there can always make you feel the way you can make others feel.
You wonder if there's something wrong with you.

But, sweet girl, you aren't too hard to love, and there's nothing wrong with you.

You were put on this Earth by someone who loved you before you were even created. Someone who loves you enough, that he took your place on the cross and died for you. A man whose love is even more selfless than the one you give out.

So please, keep loving as passionately and fully as you can.

Embrace the unlovable who make you feel like you can't be loved properly.

And just know, you're perfect in his eyes.


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