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A Letter To You, My Love

Dear you,

Distance is supposed to make the heart grow fonder right? Distance also tests us, and challenges us, and makes us say and do things we wish we could take back as soon as the words are said. The stubborn, selfish side of me says that my heart grows just as fond of you when I'm living 10 minutes away from you, not 2 hours. I hate being away from you.

But the real side of me, the side you fell in love with, the selfless, the kind-hearted, the compassionate woman I am proud to be, knows this distance is going to be so worth it in the end. It's going to force us to put one another first in all circumstances. It's going to test our love, and make us prove how much the other person means to each other. It's going to show us whether or not we're really a priority in our busy lives. Communication and trust are key in making us work. Simple texts throughout the day, a random selfie, a late night unexpected phone call, and so much more become so precious and valuable. It's things like that, that you tend to take for granted until you're faced with no other option.

I do miss you, and I miss being us. There's nothing I wouldn't give up, to be able to get a phone call from you asking to meet you at Chili's, and me being able to jump in the car and be there. I miss all the little things- those darn things we both took for granted- that we always used to do. I miss our dinner dates, I miss all the early mornings snuggled up in bed, I miss the thrill of sneaking around and living life to the fullest with you. I miss the smell of your hair. I miss the way you look at me when you come in super close. I miss that laugh of yours I can only hear when I pin you down and tickle that one spot on your neck.

Something I've been thinking about often because of the enormous role it plays in our life is church. Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE our church? Thank you, thank you, thank you for wanting me there. God's plan for our lives is so awesome! But there's something that's been on my mind lately: worship. To me, worship is one of the most beautiful and intimate moments you get to have with Jesus, and it's something I love and crave. That's my time with Jesus, and I value that time so much. This relationship is a wonderful, passionately God-seeking relationship, and I believe we're this awesome God loving couple many others look up to and strive to be like. But did you know in our 8 months of dating (seriously 8 months?! HOLY COW!!) we have only worshiped together once? I don't have many regrets in my life, and I have absolutely no regrets with you, except this. I wish we could've had more opportunities to worship together. That's a time I would really have loved to share with you. I know we worship and praise Jesus together on Saturday nights when we lead, but it's just not the same as worshiping without any other responsibilities or duties to the church.

Our lives are changing so drastically so quickly. Ultimately it's God's plan, and he might take us somewhere we never could have ever imagined, but as long as I'm by your side, I'm just going to trust God and allow him to take us wherever he pleases. Once high school is over for you, our lives are going to be more at peace and content.

You know how much of a hopeless romantic I am. And it's definitely a blessing and a curse while away. I constantly dream about things, like me walking out of class and you standing there across the street, waiting there to surprise me. Or me coming down and surprising you at your home game for football in a couple weeks. I love doing the impossible to prove my love for you, and it kills me when I can't. So for now, I just daydream and wish.

I hate change. And I hate being away from you. I will have good days, and I will have bad days. But through all of it, there's going to be you, loving me, staying super patient with you (seriously, how do you do it?), and checking up on me. I know it's hard right now, and you feel you can't love me the way I deserve to be loved, but some days I don't think I deserve any of your love, so you love me oh so well. There's going to be tears, and harsh words, and some silence, but we're going to get through it all, because we're us.

Faith, hope, and love.... and Jesus!



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