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Lessons Learned

18 years.

216 months.

936 weeks.

6750 days.

157680 hours.

9460800 minutes.

567648000 seconds.

Life has a funny way of getting away from you really quickly. One minute you're 5 running around a farm chasing barn cats and feeding the goats, and the next minute you're crying over boys and getting ready to pack up everything and move away to college. But the thing I've come to realize is that life didn't change, you changed. You might fall down, but you need to learn how to stand back up, brush it off, and never let the same thing knock you over twice.

1. People are temporary; So are feelings.
It's a part of life. One of the hardest things I've had to learn how to deal with is how to say goodbye to people I didn't want to let go of, and hello to people I was skeptical about letting in. I didn't want to say goodbye because I was happy and content, and even if I wasn't all the time, it's still what I was used to, and the unknown of trying to move on with your life without them and push away those feelings. But it gets better. The older you get, the easier it is to figure out who you need by your side and who you don't. You learn how to deal with your feelings, instead of just hiding them and pretending like you don't have any. Once you've understood those two things, you're one step closer to being truly happy and okay with yourself and with your place in life at that moment.

2. Pocket change adds up real quick- save it.
The older you get, the more expense things become. It seems as though you aren't able to catch a break with everything you have to spend money on. But there's this great thing called change that really does go a long way. So instead of putting it in the tip jar or letting it sit in the bottom of purse, save it up and then go cash it in. You might just be surprised how much that'll exactly help you in the long run.

3. Do what you want, not what the people around you want.
Just go out and live your life. It's too short to go with what everyone else wants. If you really want something, go out there and get it. It's okay to be selfish and do things without explanation. You don't need to justify why you're with that person, why you want to go to that school or study that particular degree. If it makes you happy, then that the only thing that matters.

4. AP classes are overrated.
Seriously. All the stress, and the homework. All the money spent to take the test in the spring, and the time spent preparing for said test. All the harsh and negative thoughts about yourself, and the late nights. It's not worth it unless you know it's what you want and you're willing to give it your all. If you need to go to that really awesome hard to get into college, take all the AP classes you can and succeed until your heart is happy. But what I would do is, take those classes and struggle. Prepare for college, because it's not going to get any easier. Fail a few times, but get back up. You're going to have these same classes in college, so maybe take them to experience them in high school, and then rock them in college.

5. Don't feel bad about cutting people out of your life.
One of the hardest things I've ever had to do was cut ties with people I thought would be in my life forever. But after I did it, I realized that God replaced them with other people I never could have ever imagined being in my life. So don't fear and stress about it. The people who are meant to be and stay in your life will. You won't have to constantly worry about those people because they will add so much to your life. And if you decide to cut someone out of your life- stand firm in that decision and don't go back. Leave them in your past because that's where they belong.

6. Always make sure the shoes match the outfit.
Ladies- if you want to make a great first impression, you need to look amazing from head to toe. Your confidence level will soar when your outer appearance makes you feel just as good as what's on the inside. So splurge a little from time to time, and get those shoes that go oh so well with the rest of your outfit!

7. Dance it out.
There's no better way to get the bad stuff off of you, than by literally dancing it off. Just enjoy the music, dance like no one is watching, and let go and forget about your problems. Trust me, you're going to feel better, and possibly a little winded, after.

8. Know when it's time to let go and walk away.
Sometimes letting go of that rope that's keeping someone in your life will do more good, than if you kept holding on to it. Because the harder that person tries to leave, the worse it's going to hurt your hand trying to pull them back to you. Have enough confidence to let go and trust God. There's a reason he sent that person packing. Wait on his timing and trust that something and someone better will be coming along.

9. One sided expectations cause the most pain, every single time.
It's natural and a part of life. It causes you to get your hopes. You start to imagine all the good things that could potentially happen that you start to lose sight of reality. And once reality comes back to hit you in the face, it knocks you completely off your feet and hurts so bad. Go slow- don't rush the potentially good long term things in your life for a brief moment of pure bliss. That's the quickest way to get your heart broken.

10. Read your bible and pray as often as you can.
Do it. I promise you that you're going to feel way more prepared to tackle your day when you have the Holy Spirit in you. Never doubt the power of prayer. When everything feels like it is crashing around you and you can barely keep your head up, pray. When times are good and life seems to be on your side, pray. When you have nothing to say, pray. There's never a bad time to pray or read God's word. You'll feel better after you do it.

11. Say 'I love you' to your loved ones, and mean it.
Those three little words... They are so powerful. If you're in the position to say those words to someone, don't waste it. Tell them how you feel every chance you get. Life is too short. You might just be surprised what could happen if you say it.

12. Don't stress about the future.
It'll get here soon enough. And when it does you're going to want all that time back. If you're meant to end up somewhere in life, you will. Chances are it's not going to be on the path you thought would lead you closer to your destination. So stop stressing. Stop trying to get ahead of life, because you're not gonna win that one. Live in the now, and enjoy every moment, no matter how little or insignificant it may seem, because one day that moment could end up meaning the world to you.

13. Remind that special someone in your life how truly wonderful and amazing they are.
Listen- the person who is in your life right now is there for a reason. And who knows, they might be the best you're ever going to get. So if that's the case, why wouldn't you take every possible opportunity to tell them how much of a blessing they are in your life. If there's a certain thing they did or quality about them that you really like, tell them. Don't let them slip away, only for them to go find someone who knows how to appreciate them better. Set aside your pride and ego, and tell them how you feel, always.

14. Put the phone down.
Life is too short to spend it staring at a screen. I envy the couples that get to spend what seems like eternity face to face, enjoying life with their significant others. And then I get frustrated when instead of enjoying their company, they're sitting there on their phones, not caring about the great person sitting right across from them. They have it so good and they don't even realize it. I would give up so much just to be able to spend time like that with my boyfriend. Never take the time you have with the people who mean the most to you for granted. You never know when you're going to be able to see them again or when the last time you might have with them is going to be.

15. Quit comparing yourself to others.
This one hurts. How are we expected to grow up in a world where society literally tells us how to look and act? It's so hard, and I get that. But you were created perfectly in God's eyes and his opinion should be the only one that matters. Don't waste away your time stressing about things like that. Instead, invest your time in searching what makes you different from everyone else, and understand that those are the things that make you so great and unique!

16. Leave a little time for yourself.
Don't wear yourself out doing so much for others. I get it. You have a huge heart and a passion. But taking care of yourself is a must. Otherwise, the things you once enjoyed doing so much and often become tiresome and boring. You no longer look forward to it. So do yourself a favor and take time for yourself.

17. Don't say 'okay' when it's not. 
This one took me so long to figure out. But hear me out when I say this: if you're in a situation with someone who is supposedly your friend, they wouldn't put you in a position where you have to justify whether it was right or not. If you don't agree with what is going on, don't go along with it just because they're your friend. Because if they truly were your friend, they wouldn't put you in that situation in the first place. So speak up. If it's not okay, say that. And don't feel like you need to justify your answer. If it's not okay with you, then it's just not okay.

18. The love of God is the greatest gift you will ever receive.
This trumps family love, self love, dare I even say it, significant other love. The love you receive from your heavenly father is the most beautiful, selfless, never ending love you will ever receive. People could spend a lifetime searching for this void in them that they believe only love can fill. That may be true, but they're looking in all the wrong places for that love. When the easiest thing they would have to do is turn their eyes to the cross and call on Jesus. He's waiting to come scoop you up in his arms and shower you with his love and goodness.

I may only be 18, but I've lived a lot, I've seen a lot, and I've felt a lot. Everyday teaches me something new. But something that has always remained the same: it goes on. Life gets better, and you're in control. No matter how much you want to disagree and fight it, it's true. If you feel like life couldn't get any worse, take a step back and realize and be thankful that you even have a life. Because as long as you feel that heart beat inside your chest, you have a purpose on this earth. You might not know what that is right now, but that's all part of the journey of life. So attack each day with your head held high, searching for that purpose and reason God put you on this earth, because I promise you, there always is one.


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