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Meeting you was the happiest coincidence of my whole entire life.

Our story has been this epic whirlwind love story, set in high speed motion since the day I first laid eyes on you.

Meeting you might have been a blissful accident, but getting to know you was a choice.

And after getting to see your heart, all the feelings that came from that felt so right.

I fell for you for so many different reasons, each one melts my heart more than the last.

You see me for me and for whats in my heart. I don't have to hide anything from you or fake it. The reason you like me is for my heart, and honestly, what more could a girl want from a guy?!

You have this passion and love for Jesus and it's so contagious. I see the way people respond when you get in front of the room and talk about how great your Savior is. Or how you get up and play your guitar singing to Jesus, and create a truly amazing worship experience for those watching you.

You have a gift, my darling. And I hope and pray that one day you will get you use it the way I know you want to. And hear me when I say this: YOU have more than enough talent to have all your dreams come true one day. Always remember that. And just know that I'm going to be right be your side supporting you through every step of the way.

I've been growing in love with you since the day I first started talking with you, and it's no secret now that I love you.

I love the way you treat me. Even before you knew what kind of relationship I endured the year before, you were always such a gentleman to me and made me feel special.

I love the way you bite the inside of your lip and pout your lips ever so slightly when you're thinking.

I love that you don't understand the phrase 'fell through' even though I've explained it to you several times.

I love the way you come up to me and hold me so tenderly and lovingly when we're reunited after spending a little time apart.

I love that you love every little bit of me. You've seen me, without anything for me to hide behind, and you chose to love and embrace it, not turn away in disgust.

I love the look you get on your face when we're gazing into one another's eyes, not caring about the world around us. Your eyes get so soft and you give a little grin. You squint your eyes and the most adorable little wrinkles occur in the corners of them. You look at me like you simultaneously see the sun and the moon in my eyes- just like how I see the entire galaxy in yours.

I love the way your hair smells. There are so many reasons why I want to be your wife, and getting to finally find out what you use in your hair to make it smell so amazing is one of them.

I love how we can laugh at just about anything. We crack more jokes than any other person I know, and half the time we don't even make any sense. Yet, we still find ourselves hilarious. I love how we can just laugh at things, instead of letting them get us down or make things awkward.

I love how you call me on your way home from school just so we can talk about our days, and make the other person feel better if one of us had a bad day.

I love the way you act during the opening scenes of all the Star Wars movies. It takes real skill to be able to say those lines the way you do.

I love that you're a perfectionist. Though I'll never admit this out loud, but I want a picture perfect relationship. And if I got a super good-looking boyfriend worrying about making this relationship perfect, I won't have anything to ever worry about.

I love how you let me in. From sharing your childhood struggles, to letting me be there during current family issues, to taking me to see where father is laid to rest. You can't even comprehend how much that means to me. I know it can't always be easy letting someone in like that, but I'm thankful you saw something in me that told you it was okay to let me in.

I love the way you play and sing. And I love that you write me some pretty awesome love songs. I could watch you play the guitar and drums or listen to you sing for hours.

I love how you love my family and get along with my brother so well. It warms my heart to know that you feel so comfortable around them and don't mind doing things with all of us as a family.

I love that Jesus is at the center of this relationship. I'm thankful we met at youth group and share the same love for our Lord. My favorite and most anticipated moment of the week is when I get to sit next to you at church every single Sunday.

I love every little thing about you. And I always will, that much I can promise you.

I don't know what our future will hold, but I do know that it'll be me and you till the end. Whether that's a life of you being a rock star and us living on the road, or us living in a quiet little town with four little loves running around.

I promise that I will never leave your side. You mean more to me than I will ever be able to describe.

I love you.


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