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Your New Normal

You didn't ask for this. Any of it.

When you saw him for the very first time, walking in through the door, your souls connected.

And everyone knows you can't break up with your soulmate.

But then you ask yourself why it has to be so hard if you two are meant to be?

Nothing about you two was ever normal.

When you two first start dating, you knew in a matter of months, you'd be gone.

So then maybe you start asking yourself what the point is.

But darling, just stop and look and realize.

Understand that even though you're 100+ miles away, he still talks about you with this burning passionate love for you that no one else has ever shown you.

And just know that he isn't able to do the same things anymore either because you're gone, but he is still forced to drive past and be constantly reminded that you aren't with him.

Realize that this separation is only making you two stronger. It's forcing you to continue falling in love with a person you can no longer see. You have to fall for their heart and words.

And understand that the nights you two are mad and bitter and refusing to talk, he would still give up everything he had just to spend five minutes wrapped in your arms.

Long distance relationships are hard.

They challenge you.
They push you to the edge sometimes.
They make you learn to value your time with those you care about more.
They force you to learn how to really, deeply, truly communicate with another person.

But oh my, are they worth it.

And if you don't believe long distance relationships work, I believe you just haven't found the right person to go through this with yet.

But that person is out there.

Someone who would drive for hours, ride a bus, or take a plane, just to be able to give you a single kiss.

Someone who knows how to calm you down through their words, because that's the only thing you two currently have.

Someone who will know you so well- better than you know yourself- they'll be able to know exactly what they need to do and when, just by the slightest shift in the way you text or tone of your voice.

Embrace your new normal.

Be proud of you two and how hard you fight to make things work.

Miss each other so much it physically hurts and all you can seem to do is cry.

Cry until you tire yourself out.

Then go to bed, and wake up and do it all over again.

Because for every bad and horrible and seemingly endless day you two will have, the next day will be another day closer until the day you two are reunited in one another's arms.


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