I get it. It’s hard. It’s enticing. It’s strong. It’s a part of your lifestyle. Deep down, you feel the guilt. Deep down, you know your shame. You want to stop, but you wouldn’t even know where to start. Hear me. You are so loved. Every single part of you. Even down to the deepest cracks in your heart. You are loved. You are prayed for. You are sung over. You are prized. So, my friend, let’s talk. Let’s talk about sin. It’s a three letter word that I don’t like hearing, but don’t hear enough. Sometimes, I hate living in America because our culture has normalized and embraced and even praised sin. Having sex with strangers. Getting drunk. Cheating the system. Stealing. Rebelling against parents. Using the name of “Jesus Christ” as a cuss word. Habitually watching porn. Cheating in relationships. And sometimes I hate how American church communities, having been influenced by our culture, have normalized and accepted different types of sin: Worry...