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An Open Letter To My Mentor

Dear Dennis,


You are the reason I'm still standing tall and making it through high school. Without you, I wouldn't be on the path I am on right now.

You embraced me and took me under your wing freshman year, and our relationship quickly grew from there. Whether it was seeking answers to my multitude of questions in any of my English classes over the years, to seeking advice when it came to everything else, you never backed down and always managed to see me through to the other side. 

Your room became a safe haven for me. A place where I could go and complain about my school work until I sucked it up and got it done. A place where we both exchanged many laughs and tears. A place where sometimes the only thing filling the air was silence. 

You're so taken for granted by everyone. The way you intertwine your passion for literature and love of teaching is something amazing, and something I hope to have one day. You put your all into what you do for your classes and sometimes that results in some heart ache and tears when the kids don't embrace what you throw their way. I'm so thankful we have a relationship where you allow to also listen and give feedback and advice, and yell at those jerks that made you cry in the first place.

We've shared so much together. You let me hide out in your room the day after I had my heart ripped out and shattered into a million pieces, complete with a pretty ugly cry and all. You've always kept candy in that special drawer for yourself, even though you knew I would end up eating most of it. You let me be your teaching assistant this year, just so I could start off my high school career in your classroom, and finish it in there as well. You always wanted to hear about the latest guy in my life, and wouldn't let up until I showed you a picture so you could see how cute he is. When I was sick, your room always seemed to be the best place to curl up on a table and sleep for a period or two. 

The day I graduate is the day I no longer get to be with you in the same building. But I will never stop having you be my teacher and friend.

Thank you for everything you have so effortlessly and selflessly done for me over these past four years. Stay you, Den.

Your Favorite and Forever Grateful Student


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