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To The Guy Who Made Me Feel Like Me Again

Dear boy,

Timing is always key. And when you came into my life, the timing couldn't have been any better. I was a hormonal, heartbroken seventeen year old girl, who just cut off a good chunk of her hair, as to try and free myself from the previous year of my life. I always put on a smile and my favorite shoes, but behind that, I was a wreck. I pushed away most people, and rejected love and support when it came my way. But most of all, when you met me, you met a person who was angry with God.

I was this way for quite sometime. But then, there you were.

You were this much needed calm in the storm that was my life. You eventually became someone that I couldn't go a day without talking to, but if we did, we could pick up right where we left off, as if no time had been lost.

I needed to remember how to be treated right, and that's exactly what you did for me. You made me value our friendship and cherish the moments and memories we made together more than I ever have before.

On top of all the goofy and fun moments we have shared together, all of which are my favorite, you have been the perfect gentleman. A type a guy I didn't know even existed anymore. You helped me to realize that it wasn't me or my not so great luck with guys that I thought I had. I always gave too much of myself to others, and never left any piece of me for myself. When you came into my life and treated me so differently than all the other guys I've ever known, it caught me off guard.

Through you, I have become a better version of myself. I no longer need constant reassurance in life, because by your example, I know I don't need anyone's approval but my own.

Whether you know it or not, you helped me heal. And you helped me grow into the person I am today. You taught me how to be a better and more faithful Christian. You've shown me nothing but love and support since the day we met, something which is a rare find in anyone. You have allowed me to loosen up and enjoy things more, and not rush through life as quickly as I have. But most importantly, you have shown me what having a true friend looks like.

So thank you. Thank you for deciding to become my friend and go on adventures with me, because lets face it, anytime you get into a car with me, an adventure is usually just around the corner.

 I am the luckiest girl in the world, to have been able to find someone like you.



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