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Those Three Words

Faith. Hope. Love.

It seems as though you can't have one without the other two.

And just when you think you have the upper hand in truly understanding those three words, something happens and changes your perspective on their meaning once more.

Faith is something you can either learn to run from or embrace.
Faith is placing your trust into something much bigger than you or I could ever imagine.
Faith isn't just putting your all into God and praying things work out for the best.

It's also about having and keeping that faith throughout your everyday life. Putting your faith into the people who surround your life. It means you have to completely rely and trust in someone other than yourself.

Faith is something I believe many people have, yet don't understand. It is a constant feeling of calm in your life, even when your life is anything but calm. It's this reassurance that things will eventually be okay, even if those problems seem too big to handle at the moment.

It's scary; I completely understand.

But hope on the other hand, that's real fear.

Because it'll destroy you before you even realize what's happening. I once wrote "And hope is an evil, evil thing. It lights this fire inside of you that can only seem to be put out by the force of a flood, which completely knocks you off of your feet, and sweeps you away with the current." To this day, those feelings haven't changed.

Hope is something we desperately need, yet are all terrified of having.
Hope causes you to place your all into something that isn't even yours yet or isn't a guarantee in life, and I can't think of anything more terrifying than that.

Yet the bible says in Romans 12 to rejoice in hope, and I don't think there's anything more reassuring than that phrase right there. So while your battle with hope may be ongoing, take refuge in the fact that having hope in the right things in life, is a good and much needed thing.

That last word, love, is probably the most universally known word.

Love has worked its way into all of our lives, and taken the drivers seat, ultimately putting itself in charge. It causes us to make decisions or do things we might not have otherwise done.

Love is patient- all too often really good things are thrown away because nobody wants to take the time or put in the effort to keep that really special thing, good. We live in a fast-paced, digital society, where people want the latest and greatest thing right then and there. Where did the virtue of patience go? It seems as though nobody cares about love; yet they all claim to want it. And once they have it, the second it doesn't fit the perfect image of love that they have in their minds, they throw it away, and repeat the cycle all over again.

Love is kind- If you thought having patience is hard, try being kind. Because I know for a fact, when you'll eventually get upset in your relationship, trying to still show that person kindness will be the single, most hardest thing to do in that moment. But it is so necessary. Anytime you're able to forgive and show kindness, you win. But only if you're with someone who is able to give forgiveness and be kind as well. Because, one sided expectations and appreciations are not a relationship.

Love never ends- Through all the times, good and bad. No matter how far the distance between the two of you, emotionally and physically. If there's still love there, you'll always find a way back to one another. No excuses. No lack of trying. Love always wins, if you're willing to let it. But you have to be willing to put your pride and ego aside. Love is putting someone before yourself, and having hope and faith that they aren't going to hurt you.

And now these three remain: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love.
1 Corinthians 13:13


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