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When Giving Up Is Not An Option

It's hard, I know.

Staying strong seems like an impossible thing to do in that moment.

It feels as though the world around you started spinning the other way.

But hear me and believe me when I say it; Giving up is never, ever the answer.

Navigating any relationship is tricky business, but trying to make your way through a relationship that has every reason to fail is a whole different story.

But, if you aren't in your corner fighting for it to work, then who is?

Your relationship needs no one's validation but your own.
Your relationship needs no one's approval but your own.

Taking that first step across the threshold from friends to more is exciting and refreshing.

Living in the moment and making memories inside that bubble you two had created is priceless.

But when the bubble bursts and the excitement fades like it eventually will, what happens next?

What do you do when you're flooded with a multitude of people, each one having a different opinion as to how you're supposed to act in a relationship?

What do you do when the news that's supposed to be a good thing, is met with judgement and hostility?

And what do you do when you're told you can't be with the one person you want more than anything?

Understand that when you're backed up in your corner feeling alone, desperately searching for a way out, He's right there with you.

The bible says that he will never leave us nor forsake us.

Even when the world is against you, God will always have your back.

So, pray.

Pray without ceasing.
Pray in the good times and the bad.
Pray even when you feel like you have nothing to say.

Because I promise you, God is always listening and watching out for his children.

And understand that just because you seem to have hit a bump in your journey, it doesn't make it a bad life, just a bad couple of days. Don't confuse the two.

If you take a deep breath and step back for a moment, you might even see a bigger picture developing before your very eyes.

The two of you aren't able to see one another as much as you'd like?
Maybe that's God's way of preparing your hearts for the separation that lies in your future, because he knows one day, the two of you will be reunited and won't have to spend so much time apart.

Friends and family maybe aren't taking the news as well as you had hoped?
This could be God stepping in and helping to strengthen your relationship, by giving the two of you opportunities to stand up and fight for one another.

God works in mysterious ways sometimes.

He has greater plans envisioned for your relationship, than you or I could ever possibly imagine.

So, don't lose your hope or faith, and don't think about giving up.

And always remember, God's got this.

Take the first step in faith.
You don't have to see the whole staircase, 
just the first step.

-Martin Luther King Jr.


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