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Two Is Better Than One

Life is scary and messy.

You were thrown into this world, forced to make the most of it, without any warning or any guide.

If only there was a rule book, oh how much easier things would be.

But I think sometimes people have it wrong.

Life is so scary, but not living scares me even more.
And I believe there can be beautiful kinds of messes.

People apologize for being a mess and not having it all together but, there's always good kinds of messes all around. Messy lipstick from sloppy kisses, messy hair from careless fingers running through that hair you can't help resist smelling and playing with, messy laughs from awkward moments made with special people, messy hearts from complicated lives.

 People always find a way to get tangled up with one another and it is always messy, but it is so very beautiful. 

Since when did being a mess become a bad thing?

Because to me, it's proof that you're out making the most of your life.

Sure it's not going to be perfect, and you're going to stumble and make mistakes from time to time, but that shouldn't scare you or stop you from getting back out there.

One day you might wake up feeling like there is nothing stopping you and you feel like you can go out and conquer the world. The next day you might only feel like laying in bed blasting your favorite tunes, trying to forget about everything.

People are always going to be a part of your life.

Some are meant to help you get to the next stepping stone, while others are meant to help you go a little further.

And if you're lucky, like really lucky, you'll find someone who thinks your mess is the most beautiful thing in the whole entire world. Never let that person go.

You'll find that person who will understand you might need a day to just let it all go.

You'll find that person who will put your mind at ease, when the only thing running through it is thoughts about everything that could go wrong.

Because even when things seem to be going wrong and there seems to be no way things could get better, all you need is one reason to keep going.

And that person will give you that reason every time, I promise.

So when people walk into your life, grab their hand and go. They might just end up leading you on the most beautiful path you've ever known.

And if they happen to let go, don't worry. Bigger and better things are in store for you.

It can be scary ending up in a place you never thought you would be alone at, but look around and realize that it's beautiful; the journey it took to get there, the place you ended up, yourself. It's all beautiful.

Eventually someone will notice that beauty and come along to grab your hand once more and help make your way through life again.

Because while we all have the strength to make it through by ourselves, it's usually more fun and less scary with someone by your side.


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