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An Open Letter To My Future Spouse

Dear future husband, 

I'm waiting anxiously for the day that you become all mine to love and cherish till the end of this life and into the next. To come home to a home that's all ours with little loves running through the halls. To create a life with you that we'll one day look back on and smile, remembering all of the amazing memories we created and shared together.

I'm praying for you.
I pray that you're a God-fearing man who loves and respects the woman who should be the most important woman in your life, your mama, so that one day, you'll set an example for our son, so he knows how a woman is to be respected and treasured, and our daughter, so she knows what real love looks like and never settles for anything less.  I pray that you're valuing your education right now, and that you'll continue to put time and effort into your studies. Knowledge is and always will be power and the key to your success. 

I'm praying for myself.
I pray that I can be even half of the woman that raised you to be the man of my dreams. I hope and pray that I can be an amazing mother to our children, teaching them right from wrong, and how to be good, faithful Christians in a world full of darkness. I pray for courage and strength to be your rock and safe haven when you need me to be.

I'm praying for those who loved you first.
I pray that whoever came before me, loved and cherished you the way you deserve to be. I thank God that he allowed you to see that you deserve much, much more in life, and sent you on your way, one step closer to me. I pray that whoever came before me honored your Christian values and didn't try to take advantage. And if there is girl lucky enough to hold your heart right now, I pray that she understands just how precious that heart and soul is.

I can't imagine the day you walk into my life and make me your wife. I long for the day I will get to only ever say goodnight; never goodbye. I look forward to going places where only we will have been. I pray for patience upon my heart until this happens.

​Your Bride-To-Be 


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