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To The Person Who I Thought Would Always Be There

Our beginning was nothing short of a Rom-Com gone wrong. When I first learned your name all the way back in freshman year, you were just the girl who stole my very first boyfriend of 48 hours away from me. I was crushed. Devastated. I wanted nothing more than for you to disappear. Little did I know how quickly things would change.

Shortly after he dumped you, I decided it would be better to form an alliance against him, rather than one another. And we instantly clicked. The two of us bonded over our mutual hatred of this boy who played us real good. But after that short lived fun died out, we slowly started going our separate ways. And then just like that, freshman year ended.

I barely had three conversations with you all summer, but I never stopped thinking about our fun that we had freshman year. You had become my first real friend, and you made high school seem not so bad after all. And as fate would have it, we ended up spending first and second hour of our sophomore year, sharing more laughs and secrets, than we spent actually learning. We did it all that year, and we became inseparable. I'll never forget chemistry class with you and your color blindness. Who knew chemistry labs involved so many colors that you couldn't see. It's not like I was any help to you, I was faking it harder in that class than your ex Zac, and he didn't even show up for the final. As our second year together was coming to an end, so did our seemingly awesome friendship.

Junior Year... That was our year. Despite only sharing one class together, along with lunch, it became just you and I against the world. You're the first person I told that I was in a relationship that had no love in it, only fists and mean, hurtful words. We did everything together. We went out to the movies, out to dinner, to youth group. I spent more nights in your bed, staying up all night watching Grey's Anatomy and gossiping about our boy issues, than I spent at my own house. Your whole family took me in and loved me as their own. We conquered so much together this year. We both went and toured our future college together. I supported you through months of musical rehearsal and multiple boy issues. I even got you a job working at Lake Lawn, oh the irony behind this decision.  I made to spend more time with you. By the end of Junior Year, you and I already had our entire summer planned out, filled with so many adventures and memories to be made.

Then Senior Year rolled around, a lot quicker than you or I probably wanted it too. By the end of our first month as seniors, you and I were already accepted to our future school, where we would be roommates and best friends. But then it started. Three days at work turned into five. Making sure you got Wednesdays off for youth group turned into you asking to take people's shifts. Going out and making plans turned into hearing "Why don't you just go out with your new best friend." Suddenly the girl I spent the last four years of my life with was slipping away. She replaced me with her work and I couldn't figure out why. But when you put me in a position to lie to that many people, I knew I had lost you for good.

But what hurts the most in all of this is that you attacked my character when you needed to try and get me to help you. But if I was your friend I should've held my ground and said no. And if you were truly my friend, you wouldn't have asked me to lie for you like that in the first place.

It's really going to hurt. Not having you there as my maid of honor on my wedding day. You not getting to come over and help me raise my children. You were supposed to be my forever friend and person. And just like that, you're gone. It's like our memories and late nights talking about everything meant nothing.

I hope you find happiness in whatever you were searching for. It's just too bad it had to end a really special friendship.



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