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Life can make you cringe from time to time.

Whether it's wrong words spoken at the totally wrong times or awkward hugs that were supposed to be handshakes.

It's inevitable.

You're going to have regrets in life. Things you beat yourself up over, wishing you could go back in time and do it all over. Or you wish that you could take back what you said or did, or finally say something you had been holding in.

And it's hard.

Feeling like you left things unsaid or broken.
Feeling like you ruined everything and it could never possibly be the same.

When you're alone at the end of every single day with only your thoughts, you think.
You overthink until eventually the only things you can think about are the things that have or could go wrong.

It makes you forget all the things that have or could go right.

I've been here all too often.

I know the pain of lying awake all night beating yourself up for something you said or did, thinking that you just ruined a really good thing. You think that it couldn't possibly go back to the way things were.

You start to wonder and convince yourself that maybe you're just too hard to love.

You tell yourself that nobody could ever want someone like you. Someone who spends five minutes with a person, and sees a future behind those soft blue eyes.

But occasionally, if you're lucky, someone is going to come along and you won't regret a single moment spent with them. Like nothing you could ever do would make them regret choosing you.

And if you find that person, hold on tight to them and never let them go.

Because if they can make it seem like it's worth taking the risk and if they make you want to live fearlessly with no regrets, then go for it.

You're afraid of being hurt or messing up, but I believe if you found that special someone, it's not going to matter.

Nothing will matter, just as long as you're together.

No amount of pain or distance could separate the two of you if it's real.

And if it doesn't work, be with someone that you could leave having no regrets with.

Someone who you've told everything too.
Someone you've done it all with and experienced so much of life with.

Be with someone who could leave you for the moon and you still wouldn't regret a second of your time spent with one another.

Be with someone who you would rather take the chance and have your heart broken by, than not experiencing their love at all.

Just for once, break your rules and live. Forget about the consequences and regrets.

Let them have everything and all of you.

Because if they truly care about you, I promise you that you're not going to regret a single moment of it.

...and with you, I regret nothing.


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