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A Little Bit More

You will never think that it's the last time.

That you'll always have another chance.

One more time to say how you really feel.
One more time to kiss the person you care so much about.
One more time to do all the things you said you would do the next time.

But that's not how life works. Nor will it ever work that way.

When it comes down to the end, we're all going to be begging for just a little bit more.

And oh how it hurts.

I get it.

I've been there.

The pain that comes from not having as much time as you thought is sometimes so unbearable you don't think you can possibly take one step forward, but you manage to somehow fall three steps back.

Life is full of chances and choices. It's what you do with those things that end up shaping your own life, and the life of those around you. See, for every chance you are given in life, there is a choice that needs to be made with it. And it's what's you choose, that either makes or breaks your life.

So choose it all.

Choose to love as many people as you can, without judgement or standards.

Choose happiness in the face of adversity.

Choose to see the good in people, not the lies and harsh words people try and fill your mind with about them.

Choose to look on the bright side of ugly situations.

Choose joy.

But most importantly, choose to wake up and be the most true and authentic you that you can be.

Because I promise you, if you stay true to who you are and live your life genuinely, you aren't going to need a little more.

And most importantly, turn to Jesus to calm your soul.

Life is unpredictable.

Things will happen all the time that you didn't expect to.

People will come and go.

But God tells us to find comfort in the fact that if he closes one door in our lives, its only because he has something greater waiting for us behind a different door. And while we are waiting for that next door to open, we need to find peace and contentment, and praise him in the hallway.

So learn how to want a little bit more from the moments presented to you, and stop trying to find a little bit more time to stretch your moments out.

Because when you have the chance, you'll have to choose.

And with you, I want and choose it all. Everyday, in every way, in all circumstances, I will choose to have just a little bit more of you.

I need you to kiss me a little bit more gently, hug me a little bit more tighter and longer, and show me a little bit more patience.

I need you to stay up just a little bit more when I've had a bad day. I need you to reassure and calm my fears just a little bit more once I'm two hours away. And some days, I'll need you to remind me a little bit more, why you ever fell for me in the first place.

I want you to show a little bit more of yourself to me, more than you do to everyone else.

I want a little bit more of your heart, and I want you to have a little bit more of mine.

I want it all, and I want it with you.

Because while we might not know when our story will end, I wake up everyday thankful I get to spend another day on Earth with you in my life.

Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.


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